Monday, March 24, 2008

Dare to Dream

For awhile, I was having dreams about work. Rather, they were nightmares. I was in a new office but with all the same people. And we were using these crazy computers that I had no idea how to use. It seemed I was the only one, however, and everyone else was far too busy to help me. So, I was behind from the very beginning and every time I looked up, my inbox was overflowing. At first I thought they were stress dreams. In actuality I was just fine at work; hardworking, diligent, always in line with everyone else. But every night I was drowning; it was frustrating.

Finally, I decided to look up on the internet what it all meant. The answer: I had anxiety about my job. I was constantly worried about upcoming projects and tasks that needed to be finished. I was concerned that I wouldn’t get everything done in time and I’d be left behind everyone. That, in turn, would make me look bad to my superiors and that is ultimately what I was nervous about.

If you have dreams about work or lack of work or anything to do with the employment field in general, there may be some definite changes you can make to ease your conscience.

Have you been slacking off? Not doing the best you know you can do, can seep into your brain and cause problems with your moral essence. That fact will surely affect your sleeping patterns and cause undue hesitation when it comes time to hit the hay.

It could also mean that maybe you are not as prepared as you think you are, to do the job you were hired to do. This, obviously, would pose a problem to your subconscious and we all know that’s where dreams come from.

On a positive note, if your dreams consist of you working harder and harder to reach the goals, it could signify success on your part. You’re doing the right things, the right way. Either way, your dreams should be work and stress free. You’ve put in your eight hours and the eight you get to spend sleeping should not become billable.

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