Friday, April 18, 2008

How baby boomers can work for you

There are 303,882,247 people in America. 76 million of them are baby boomers. Now, not all of them will retire. And not all of them will retire at the same time. But most of their jobs will be up for grabs. What does this mean for you? Fewer workers equals more job openings, which in turn, means more opportunities for you. And there are many things you can do to ensure yourself one of them.

The “skill gap” or “knowledge gap” will become a huge issue for every industry that currently employs baby boomers (which is all of them). A great idea is to learn as much as you can about the industry you’re interested in, how it works, tricks of the trade. Get a baby boomer mentor if you can. The skills and knowledge you retain will ultimately be to your advantage when the retirement frenzy begins.

When their top-level employees retire, companies will start to hire more from within than outside for replacements. Why? They are losing a good percentage of workers and they already know their current staff is capable. The talent pool is getting smaller and smaller, so if you can get a foot in the door of the industry you want to be in, that’s as good of an idea as any. Even if it’s just for a little while; it should pay off in the end.

If you do get an interview, something to bring up is the fact they will assuredly lose some percentage of their employees due to retirement. Mention that you are a quick learner and would love to train for the job while those employees are still there. This would counter the loss of productivity and add to the efficiency in which new hires can fully take over.

The baby boomers in America are reaching retirement age. This fact ultimately leads to the formerly high unemployment level starting to decline. So look up - better times are ahead for everyone.

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